
We provide the support you need to enable you to focus on your core business activity and succeed

From small businesses, individuals and corporations of all sizes to private capital managers, hedge funds, private wealth managers, real estate funds and family offices, we have dedicated experts teams  with CFA, CPA, CMA, CGA, PhD and other top qualifications to serve and support our clients through complexities.

Over 400+ client all over the world in last 20 years. We focus on a few clients at a time to help them succeed


How does it work

Our local, expert knowledge and innovative technology are the keys to keeping you one step ahead

Top expert support at a low cost

A team of highly qualified accountants, tax and financial experts dedicated to you at a fraction of the cost of employing in-house accountant.

Remote and In-person

We work both remotely and in-person to support your business. We provide middle and back office support.

Interface with external parties

We represent you with tax authorities, creditors, bankers and technology providers so you can focus on core business.

Get more by focusing on core activities

Let us carry the burden of non-core critical functions

Our service

What we offer

CFO Services

A team of top experts for a fraction of an in-house CFO


All your accounting, payroll, bookkeeping needs. Creditor management and loan administration.


Tax reporting, planning and advisory. Do you already have tax issues? Let's work with the tax man so you can focus on your core activities.

Business Technology

Is technology giving you headache? You're not alone. Let's be your geeks for all your technology needs - hardware, software, cloud and security. We support you with technology advisory, selection, implementation and management that is right for your business.

Middle and Back Office Support

It's not core business activity so it shouldn't take your time and give you headache. It's the middle office and back back office. We're the experts, let us carry the burden at a fraction of the cost to you.

We Enable You to Focus on Your Core Activities

Pricing Plan

Try our free consult today. Our plans are with satisfaction guarantee

Our triple guarantee

  • We guarantee better service than you are currently getting
  • We guarantee lower fees than what you are currently paying
  • We guarantee results or money back

Frequent Question

Do you have any question

Employing  and managing CFOs, Accountants, IT professionals is expensive. Let's bring our experts to work with you so you don't have to employ and management more people than you need.

Our experts are local with global network of support. They bring the best in the industry to support you.  We work both remotely and in-person.

Our local, expert knowledge and innovative technology are the keys to keeping you one step ahead

No. You can cancel anytime, with satisfaction or  money back guarantee.

Running a business is expensive. You should not use cash you already have to pay for services unless they bring you more cash. Let the new cash from value created by our services pay for the services, otherwise you don't need us.

Ready to get started? Challenge us now

Meet Our Team

Let us support you so you can focus on core activities. You know a competent team by its professional accomplishments

Our local, expert knowledge and innovative technology are the keys to keeping you one step ahead